Due to the specialist nature of the provision offered at Consilium Evolve, we do not offer primary transition but intake students all year round from their secondary provider.
Schools will have to evidence that the pupil is operating within the range 3 of the SEND Ranges for SEMH.
Pupils attending Consilium Evolve placement need to be registered on the SEN Code of Practice and evidence the graduated response in the mainstream setting.
- Maintaining links with the student’s Home School is essential for the success of the student’s programme. This includes working alongside Consilium Evolve on the reintegration back to their school or another which meets the needs of the student. This will be support and guided by Consilium Evolve.
- The application must include evidence that the child is suffering from anxiety, is actively engaging with a mental health support agency and has a relevant support plan. An associated medical report to support the application must be attached to the application. It must also be demonstrated that the child is currently active with a mental health support agency.
- The application must contain clear evidence that the home school has tried EVERY possible approach to re-engage the pupil and has evaluated the impact that these approaches have had. This range of evidence must be attached to the application pack.
- The child must not have any evidence of disruptive or aggressive behaviours or incidents of exclusions.
- The home school must provide evidence that the child’s attendance figure is lower than 50%.
Please note those pupils allocated a Consilium Evolve will serve a trial period before a secure place is finalised. All student placements are also subject to;
- A trial period of 6 weeks, this will include a 2-week internal review with parents and an invitation sent to the home school
- The plan will lay out the intent, expectations and milestones and will be completed on during the first induction session
- Together for Children, Home school and parents will be given prior notice during week 4 and week 5 if the placement may potentially fail.
- A meeting with the SLT link from the home school will be held before the student starts their trial period to ensure all documentation is completed.
- Any breach of these conditions can result in the placement being terminated.
All schools and academies allocated an alternative provision placement will need to enter into an agreed contract with the appropriate providers identified within this protocol, which will clarify the roles and responsibilities of each setting. An induction pack will also be completed by the student and parent at the first available point.
Where a pupil has been allocated a placement by the VPP and a start date offered by the Consilium Evolve, it would be expected that the pupil will have attended an induction and commenced the provision within 4 weeks of the start date offered. Where this has not happened Consilium Evolve will request the VPP to consider withdrawing the placement.
Continuous reviews will take place to ensure the welfare of the child. There are 2 weekly documented meeting which also may have representatives from, the student’s home school, parent/carer, pupil and multi-agency professionals where necessary.
Further to a review and where it is deemed that it is not in a pupil’s best interest to continue with the placement, Consilium Evolve will take the case to the VPP and seek guidance, VPP will confirm the withdrawal of the placement in writing within 5 days of notification received.
Where it is deemed a parent has not attended a review, as requested, and professionals have agreed that it is not in the pupil’s best interests to continue with the placement, a Consilium Evolve representative will refer back to the VPP for consideration.
If the VPP decide to withdraw a placement the parent and home school will be notified in writing of the termination date.
Where it is determined that a pupil should be reintegrated back to mainstream education, Consilium Evolve submits a formal recommendation to VPP.
Where the pupil is no longer engaging with a mental health agency or there is no evidence that an anxiety disorder is still prevalent, the placement can be withdrawn.
Consilium Evolve will not provide a full reintegration support programme. However, a reintegration programme will form part of the exit report and schools will be expected to ensure appropriate support is dedicated to the reintegration of their pupil. It is recommended that all pupils receive a reintegration programme for a duration of at least 4 weeks. During this time, the student will have the opportunity to access a mixture of both provisions to enable a smooth transition. It is imperative that schools provide this support in-house.
Where it is agreed that a pupil should be reintegrated back to mainstream school, a support plan which will be developed in conjunction with the home school, will be agreed at an Exit Review and staff will support the phased reintegration back into mainstream school.