School runs “excellent" mental health webinar to help parents get through the long summer holidays

The session, run by alternative provision school Consilium Evolve in Sunderland was attended by 165 parents.
165 parents signed up and over 50 parents attended an online session organised by Evolve, an alternative provision school in Sunderland, part of Consilium Academies, at the end of term to find out ways they can help maintain their children’s mental health during the long holidays.
The aim of the session was to give parents and carers tools and strategies to keep their children upbeat and focused while school takes a long break. Parents were offered support over the transition into summer, including the 6-minute journal, a short exercise to shape positive thinking, and maintaining routine.
The event was run by Orli Health, a clinician-led family mental health company, which is on a mission toresolve the waiting list crisis for child mental health services. Its free online community, famOrli, is designed to make waiting better for families.
It was set up by an Accident and Emergency doctor, Mark Cox, who was concerned that families only get help once they have already reached crisis point, rather than support to avoid getting to the cliff edge.
The famOrli community has just launched, ahead of the summer holidays, to help families navigate mental health challenges.
famOrli provides rapid access to professional help through free events. Parents can either drop-in for clinician advice, listen to leading professionals during live podcasts or meet other parents with similar experiences. Parents join through a WhatsApp group, managed by a team of clinicians who share useful content, updates on events and positive messages.
One parent said: "I loved hearing other stories and getting the chance to speak with people and professionals who understand our children."
Another added: "I don't know how you could improve it - I look forward to hearing more and joining events over the summer."
Robert Bell, Headteacher at Evolve said: “It can be hard for families over the summer when the education system shuts down and all the usual support points are not available.
“This is why we decided to organise this webinar, so that parents have some signposts of where to turn if they need support.
“The feedback has been so positive that I plan to help organise further workshops for parents at Evolve and for parents at other schools too.”
Originally published by The Sunderland Echo: School runs “excellent" mental health webinar to help parents get through the long summer holidays (